SuperNetters provides fun and energetic netball coaching sessions tailored for young girls

SuperNetters netball coaching
Our sessions are open to players of all abilities. They provide a great introduction to netball and an opportunity for skill development and refinement. It is also important to us that they are a fun way to spend time with friends.
We are hoping our netball sessions will not only develop the girls’ netball skills, but also teach them the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship whilst building their confidence and self-esteem.
We offer coaching sessions for various age levels. Each of these levels are designed to focus on the girls’ physical abilities as well as their social skills.
We are working closely with Netball Scotland and SportScotland to help develop the sport and hopefully instil a love for sport, not just netball. We encourage all the girls to continue on their netball
journey after SuperNetters.

Our Sessions
Our session levels creates natural development to allow our SuperNetters to enhance their skills right up to competition standard.

Our Locations
Currently SuperNetters have sessions in Edinburgh and Penucuik, with more starting soon across Scotland

Soon we will be adding our new range of T-shirts, Hoodies, hats and many more goodies to buy.
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